Why Choose HWR Virtual Services
We are upfront, honest, transparent, available, fun, positive, encouraging and so much more! WE WANT YOU TO SUCCEED!
Partner with us today and let us connect you with some of the most prestigious companies!
How much money can I make?
Your compensation can be as little or as big as you make it. You choose the client that you want to service. Some choose their client for the compensation rate only. Some choose a client because they are open 24/7 and some choose a client that is super easy with less hourly pay. You set your own schedule and choose when and how much you work. Your paycheck is up to you!
Will I be paid during certification?
You are not paid for the time spent in a client certification course.
Are we responsible for our own taxes?
You are an Authorized agent, Independent Contractor, Sole Proprietor or Freelancer and are responsible for your own taxes. We do not take any taxes out on your behalf.
You will receive a 1099 at the end of the year.
What Fees will I have to pay?
We have a low flat service fee is $49.75 per invoice which includes the fee our partner Arise charges which is $19.75. We pay our contractors on the 1st and 15th of the month.
HWR Virtual Services has to cover business costs including Partner fees, computers, bank fees, software costs, direct deposit fees and more. Our low, flat service fee allows us to provide you with support getting started, during your certification process and beyond. We want you to succeed!
Partner with us today and let us connect you with some of the most prestigious companies!